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Dulse (Palmaria palmata)

Dulse grows on exposed ledges and boulders, forming thick ruby-red bands of vegetation that adorn the ledges where we harvest. It is dried immediately and then allowed to absorb a little moisture before being packaged, making it softer and easier to chew, a process referred to as “slacking.”

Dulse can be cut with scissors into bite sized pieces and used as a condiment, added to soups and chowders after cooking, mixed into salads and vegetable stir-fries, or eaten out of hand as a snack. It makes a versatile last minute addition to a wide variety of dishes, and provides a crispy snack and sandwich topping when fried briefly in a skillet or toasted in the oven on medium heat with butter or oil. Crispy dulse can be processed in an electric coffee grinder to be used as a salt substitute and seasoning.

Dulse contains high amounts of iron, potassium, iodine, and a broad spectrum of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.  There are written records of dulse being harvested for food in Iceland and Ireland as early as the 12th century.

Seaweed Salt 'n Vinegar Chips

Take several handfuls of dulse and rub thoroughly with oil and apple cider vinegar. Toast in the oven for 5-10 minutes at 300° until crisp. The reddish color will cook to green if baked in the oven at higher temperatures for longer lengths of time.

Compound Butter

Crisp the dulse in a low heat skillet or oven and process into flakes with an electric coffee grinder. Cut 1 stick of butter into small slices and blend thoroughly with 2-3 TBSP of dulse flakes with a stiff spoon.

 Dulse Pesto

Combine crisped dulse with basil, garlic, olive oil, nuts, parmesan cheese etc. and blend in a food processor. Serve on pasta, eggs, or toast.